Airport Express Setup Guide
Read Before You Install AirPort Express

Information About Your AirPort Express

Use this document to identify and locate information about setting up and using your AirPort Express.

AirPort Express Setup Guide

Available in the box with the AirPort Express, on the AirPort Utility CD, and at, this setup guide provides information and instructions for connecting your AirPort Express to the Internet and to other devices.

AirPort Utility Help (Macintosh and Windows)

Available from the AirPort Utility Help menu on a computer using Mac OS X or Windows, AirPort Utility Help provides step-by-step instructions to help you set up your AirPort Express and network, as well as overview information about AirPort and wireless networking.

Designing AirPort Networks Using AirPort Utility

Located at, this document provides detailed information about the AirPort Express and other Apple wireless devices, the new AirPort Utility setup and management application, and AirPort network design and implementation.

AirPort Express Website

Located at, you’ll find overview information about the AirPort Express and Apple’s other wireless technologies, projects, and products. Find technical specifications for the AirPort Express; news about wireless hotspots; and the latest about AirPort in the home, at school, and in business.


Located at, you’ll find information, articles, discussions, and support for AirPort networking, including earlier versions of Designing AirPort Extreme Networks, manuals with general networking and wireless networking overviews and information, and answers to frequently asked questions. AirPort firmware and software updates are also available here.

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